Friday, July 31, 2020

Save the USPS!

As you may have heard, the USPS is in trouble right now. It's currently at the risk of being privatized, which is resulting in less funding. Less funding means more delays, which is bad news if you need to send an important letter, vital goods like medicine and food, or a mail-in-ballot for the upcoming election.

Thankfully, there's a way to help!

If you text the word "USPS" to the number 50409, a bot will walk you through the signing process of the petition.


You can even ask to see a sample, which looks like this:


Texting the number instantly sends the letter to your officials. It didn't take me 5 minutes--truly, if I can do it, you can do it!

Such a small, quick action will have a tremendous payoff in the end. Please sign! (And don't worry, your mail carriers are much more competent than Daffy.)

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