Saturday, January 18, 2020

Book Revue Production Art

Book Revue is one of my favorite cartoons (you’ll be hearing that a lot). Initially, I was disappointed. It was rather plotless and filled with outdated 40s references. However, it kept growing and growing on me. Daffy’s in it for maybe half the cartoon at most, but he absolutely steals the show.

Take a gander at some of the model sheets.

I LOVE that he’s called Daffy Boy instead of Danny Boy. Glad to know the animators and I are on the same wavelength!

Model sheet by Tom McKimson. Are these beautiful or what? I love how dynamic the poses are!

Speaking of poses, they’re definitely a strength in the cartoon. Look at how beautiful these are!

Daffy is dressed as Danny Kaye. He’d star in a number of movies, perhaps most familiarly “White Christmas” alongside Bing Crosby in 1954.

Quite an uncanny resemblance!

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