Saturday, January 18, 2020


2020 is definitely the year of Blogger, right? Everyone’s still flocking in droves to use this?

I’ve wanted to have my own informally formal blog for quite awhile now, but never got around to it. Until now! This isn’t going to be too formal—far from it. Just a portfolio, if you will! A place to organize my drawings, my analyses, my ramblings... basically, a cartoon blog. As you can probably tell by my icon, I’m on a huge Looney Tunes kick, so expect the bulk of my beginning posts to entail as such!

I haven’t used Blogger before, so just a formal heads up! I think this is going to be a fun venture. An itch I can finally scratch!

May this blog be full and plentiful with incoherent, mouth-foaming cartoon talk!

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